Best In Slot Demon Hunter
- Best In Slot Demon Hunter Havoc
- Wowhead Best In Slot Demon Hunter
- Best In Slot Gear Vengeance Dh 9.1
- Best In Slot Demon Hunter
Hello to you reading this Guide. My name is Termaex, and I have been maining Havoc Demon Hunter since it was launched back in the Legion Pre Patch. My notable rankings include World 52 on Argus, World 40 on Jaina and World 8 on N’Zoth with the guilds I progressed those bosses with.
Havoc Demon Hunter is the most mobile and easiest to pick up spec in the game. You bring a lot of utility to the group, whilst also providing decent and versatile AoE damage and solid single target damage.
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What has changed
Changes from 9.0 to 9.1:
- Chaos Strike, Demon's Bite and Demon Blades damage increased.
- Soul Rending balancing, Netherwalk and Desperate Instincts buff.
- Unbound Chaos nerf.
- 4 new covenant specific legendaries.
- Additional Soulbind abilities, empowered conduit and conduit balancing.

Major changes from BFA to Shadowlands:
- Immolation Aura has become baseline and the additional fury regeneration was converted in the Talent Burning Hatred.
- Blur, Netherwalk and Soul Rendering have been nerfed, while Blade Dance’s 100% 1-second dodge has been removed.
- Glaive Tempest, an ability similar to Fury of the Illidari. It is a new talent, in the place of Fel Barrage.
- Nemesis has been removed and replaced by Fel Barrage as the third Level 50 Talent.
- Fel Mastery and Dark Slash are gone, with Unbound Chaos and Essence Break replacing those talent slots respectively.
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Best In Slot Demon Hunter Havoc
Comment by Cmkane96
Chaos Theory is not available for the Wrists, instead it is Waist. While it doesn't affect the crafting preference, just noticed the small typo.Comment by aristrasza
Can someone explain to me why I should put Collective Anguish on my back instead of the wrists?the way this is written makes it look like an added socket to the wrists is a downside?
Same statpool but the wrists get a socket so clearly the back must be better?
Comment by slayer50513
No mention of Burning Wound? Until you have downed Stone Legion for Collective Anguish it is very likely BiS and is farmable from De Otha Side (Manastorms). It increases Immolation Aura damage by 50% on enemies hit with Demon's Bite. Pair this with Growing Inferno causing IA to deal 13% more damage for each time it has dealt damage and it scales out of control in any AoE situation, becoming the majority of your DPS.I don't doubt that Collective Anguish will pull ahead due to its flexibility and output, but for 9/10 bosses in Castle Nathria you don't have a legendary listed to use meaning you will be doing literally less DPS. Hell, it isn't even on the page at all.
Comment by Dahgoth
Why do you provide only ST sims and no words about Hectic & Cleave sims? Where's Fel Bombadrment? Here's the current sim by scorpious1109
Why go for a legendary that only boosts Blade Dance when the primary build you put up specifically says you don't use Blade Dance? Like, what?Comment by Prophet1611
Hey i have a question why should i put Collective Anguish in the wrist ?The back is way cheaper to buy and i can farm a wrist with perfect stats in m+ too !
i just dont understand why i should pick the back with perfect stats cause its 207 i can farm the back in nhc one time per week while i can farm the wrist with perfect stats everytime .

Comment by onlylucky13
Why isn't the waist slot preferred for Chaos Theory? As the guide points out, items with same stat budget and ideal stats are available from raid, with gloves available from an earlier boss than the belt. Furthermore, we can socket belts with Spatial Realignment Apparatus, unlike gloves. So you are less likely to have to spend Stygia to resocket a new item later.Comment by Techhead7890
I know this is a PvE guide and Darkest Hour is still pretty useless (if you're getting that low your healer should be topping you up anyway) but as I understand it from Trenacetate, this shouldn't be like the Blur talent and shouldn't activate the Darkness CD but has its own cooldown.Comment by Leviathen
What is the recommended base piece for Burning Wounds?Wowhead Best In Slot Demon Hunter
Comment by Averax
This has been updated for 9.0.5 but no longer mentions Chaos Theory... at all....Best In Slot Gear Vengeance Dh 9.1
Comment by elidion
These so called class experts need to stop simming demon hunters using castingpatchwerk. castingpatchwerk is always casting to test interrupts on cool down. That is fine for a personal sim to test something, but shouldn't be the goto sim target to judge gear/legendaries/soulbinds/counduits/talents because DH get a fury bonus each interrupt, so getting a constant surge of 30 fury every 15 seconds will extremely skew the sims.Comment by Joskontjes
I'm a Havoc DH and i'm trying to find the best legendary for M+. Currently running with burning wound but should I switch to Collective Anguish? And in which slot is it recommended the most?Comment by Raugdel
For the Blazing Slaughter lego, shouldn't we craft the back piece instead of feet? i thought feet also have Domination socket on itComment by Nektulos
With the recent buffs I find Chaos Theory very very strong.It procs a lot and with a 190 weapon I'm getting 7k+ crits.
I am also never fury starved.