Best In Slot Hunter Gear
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Comment by Numidia
Wowhead upping their game for TBC ! Veramos best resource for hunter stuff :DComment by Fortyz
Are you planning to add stat breakdowns to this guide, or is this strictly a gearing guide?Best In Slot Gear for Beast Mastery Hunter DPS in Phase 1 During Phase 1 Hunters have quite a few options for gear sets depending on how hardcore or casual you want to play. In the gear planner below the set is 'Absolute' BiS and optimized for maximum dps potential. There are a few pieces of gear and gems you can change around based on your own. Prize pool: Players will receive a Best In Slot Hunter Gear Mop special 30 extra spins promotion on top of the standard welcome package upon second deposit! 30 extra spins on Wild Worlds by NetEnt.

Comment by Shooteru
Hey Veramos, awesome guides, really helps me to get to TBC! Keep up the good work! :DWelcome to Wowhead's Best in Slot Gear List from Ahn'Qiraj for Hunter DPS in WoW Classic. This Classic guide will list the recommended gear that Hunters progressing through AQ40 should aim for. These suggestions aren't limited only to Ahn'Qiraj loot, as in Classic WoW, many BiS pieces can be obtained through different sources like earlier raids. Thanks for the suggestions, guys. This list was compiled by a now-defunct PvE guild that claimed this was the best gear for Warmane. While I trust that they did their due-diligence, this list was unfortunately provided with no context. We can't know if this list was an all-around BiS list, or the items that performed best in specific encounters. On this page, you will find the best gear and best in slot items for your Beast Mastery Hunter in World of Warcraft Shadowlands 9.1. If you were looking for TBC Classic content, please refer to our TBC Classic Beast Mastery Hunter gear and best in slot.
Comment by Shooteru
Hey Veramos, awesome guides, really helps me to get to TBC! Keep up the good work! :D
Comment by Munglet
Is there a reason why you go with 6% hit on both Gear Planer ? I thought you need 9 % hit or did i read over something ?Contribute
TBCBm Hunter Best In Slot Shadowlands
Wowhead's Best in Slot Gear Guides for Burning Crusade Classic are now live, with detailed lists for useful items to acquire during Phase 2. Phase 2 introduces two new 25 man Raids, Tempest Keep's The Eye and Serpentshrine Cavern.Along with the new raids, Profession items will be getting upgrades with Nether Vortex, which means many Blacksmiths will be looking forward to upgrading to a Dragonstrike or Stormherald. Engineers can finally craft their Epic goggles such as Deathblow X11 Goggles and Tankatronic Goggles.
As a visual example, here's an excerpt from the Rogue Phase 2 Gear Page highlighting various Chest Armor options, with gems and commentary.
Burning Crusade Classic DPS BiS
Balance Druid DPS Phase 2 BiS Feral Druid DPS Phase 2 BiS Beast Mastery Hunter DPS Phase 2 BiS Arcane Mage DPS Phase 2 BiS Fire Mage DPS Phase 2 BiS Retribution Paladin DPS Phase 2 BiS Shadow Priest DPS Phase 2 BiS Combat Rogue DPS Phase 2 BiS Elemental Shaman DPS Phase 2 BiS Enhancement Shaman DPS Phase 2 BiS Affliction Warlock DPS Phase 2 BiS Destruction Warlock DPS Phase 2 BiS Arms Warrior DPS Phase 2 BiS Fury Warrior DPS Phase 2 BiS
Burning Crusade Classic Tank BiS
Feral Druid Tank Phase 2 BiS Protection Paladin Tank Phase 2 BiS Protection Warrior Tank Phase 2 BiS
Burning Crusade Classic Healer BiS

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Beast Master Best In Slot
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